Defeat Garden


Posted on: May 20, 2010

I was a little tired after work today.  I asked the kids if they wanted leftovers, but the girl wanted eggs instead.  We have lots of eggs in the refrigerator, so she made supper tonight.  She loves making eggs, and even makes eggs that are “perfect with salsa.”

I love it that my kids are really starting to take an interest in the food that they eat, even preferring food that’s good for them most days.  I’m always a little surprised that they’re old enough to start cooking and doing simple things in food preparation, but I love it when they get interested and want to help out with it.

She really loves to make eggs, and she does a pretty good job!

She made scrambled eggs (the ones that are perfect with salsa) for the boy, more scrambled eggs (with a little bit of chives from the farm) sprinkled in for me, eggs over hard for the man, and scrambled eggs with tuna for herself.

That was a surprise the first time she tried that! She used to think that tuna was gross.  The man used to make eggs for himself with tuna, spinach, and curry powder and both kids thought it was disgusting.  One day I made him some plain eggs with canned salmon and they finally decided to try it out.  They liked it, but thought it was kind of fishy. Then once we got them to try plain tuna, and now they both love it.

In fact, both of them had tuna roll-ups for their lunches when they had field trips in the last couple of weeks.  Talk about a proud mom – they also packed an apple/banana and a few raw almonds to crunch on.

I must have caught the boy at a bad moment when I took this picture, normally he’s always smiling and making a joke.  Eggs aren’t his favorite food anymore, though, and I told him he either had to eat eggs or leftovers.  He chose eggs once he remembered he could have salsa with them.  Then he had an apple for dessert.  The man had some cold rhubarb chutney with his eggs.  I’m not a big fan of those flavors together, but the chutney was still good cold!

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